Dear Madam/Sir,

This notice provides you, in accordance with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation EU 2016/679, “GDPR”), with details regarding the processing of personal data carried out by the Romanian Society of Ophthalmology (S.R.O.), headquartered in Bucharest, Address: Str. Virgiliu No. 17-19, 4th floor, apt. 13, Sector 1, Bucharest; Bank: BCR sector 1, Bucharest, IBAN: RO25 RNCB 0072 0496 8983 0001, having Fiscal Code: 9463840.

Personal Data? Why?

Only if you provide us with your personal data:

  • We will be able to register you as a member of the professional association.
  • We will be able to fulfill our obligations to you as a member.
  • We will be able to register you and ensure your participation in events organized by the association.

Purposes of processing your personal data:

S.R.O., as a scientific and professional association, will process your personal data to carry out the following activities:

  • Your registration as a member of the professional association;
  • Collection of membership fees;
  • Transmission of scientific and educational materials as well as other information resulting from the membership of S.R.O.;
  • Your registration for events organized by the association, including the collection of fees for these events;
  • Smooth conduct of events (congresses, professional meetings organized by S.R.O., exams, etc.), which involves participant management, participation certificates, attendance records, etc.;
  • Documentation of events, congresses, professional meetings organized by S.R.O. through photographing or video recording these events;
  • Performing all checks required by applicable Romanian legislation and complying with all obligations imposed by law or requested by authorities (reporting, archiving, responding to requests, etc.);
  • Resolving potential complaints, disputes, or litigations;
  • Ensuring security in S.R.O. premises, when applicable;
  • Improving the quality of S.R.O. services and ensuring the functionality of our website or communication platforms with association members;
  • Conducting statistical analyses: Such processing will be carried out in compliance with the principle of data minimization. Where possible, processing will concern only aggregated data.

Examples of activities for which your personal data are necessary:

  • Membership – concluding the membership contract with the association, calculating fees, organizing specific conferences and congresses, collecting periodic or event-related fees, fulfilling know-your-customer obligations, and other obligations imposed by law.

Your personal data processed by S.R.O. include:

S.R.O. may process the following personal data:

  • Identification data from your ID or other documents you provide: name and surname, personal numerical code, date and place of birth, document series and number, citizenship, domicile or residence address, education, and professional experience, place of work/activity;
  • Contact data: correspondence address, email, phone number;
  • Your image and/or voice in the context of your participation in the congress;
  • Civil status data, family member data: number and/or age of children, etc. (only if they participate in the congress with you);
  • Financial data: tax residency, tax registration number, bank account, etc.;
  • Relevant qualities (e.g., employee, pensioner, member of an association);

If you provide us with personal data of other persons:

Only when strictly necessary for the activities of S.R.O. can personal data of other persons be processed.

Your responsibility towards the persons whose data you have provided to us is to inform them of this Notice, so they are correctly and fully informed about the processing of their Personal Data by us, the purposes, and legal grounds for processing, as well as their rights regarding the processing of their data by us.

If we receive your personal data from other persons:

There may be situations when your data are not received directly from you but from public sources or other individuals or legal entities. Your data are processed securely, and you should be informed by the person who provided us with information about you. The data will be used by S.R.O. only for carrying out scientific and professional activities.

The legal basis for processing your personal data by S.R.O.:

  • Article 6(1)(b) of GDPR – execution of a contract or steps taken prior to entering into a contract;
  • Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR – S.R.O.’s legitimate interest in documenting events organized by the association;
  • Article 6(1)(a) of GDPR – your consent for processing your individual image;
  • Article 9(2)(g) of GDPR – when processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest, based on Union or national law;
  • Article 6(1)(c) of GDPR – compliance with legal obligations by S.R.O.;

To whom do we transfer your personal data?

  • Competent authorities to request and receive such information. Examples: National Agency for Fiscal Administration (A.N.A.F.), National Office for Prevention and Control of Money Laundering (O.N.P.C.S.B.), other authorities, courts, prosecutor’s offices, judicial executors, public notaries, auditors, etc.;
  • Contractual partners of S.R.O. (from Romania or abroad). Purpose: provision of services performed for S.R.O. or directly for you.

Are your personal data transferred abroad?

S.R.O. may transfer personal data outside the European Economic Area only if:

  • The recipient country ensures an adequate level of personal data protection, recognized by a decision of the European Commission, or
  • S.R.O. has concluded transfer agreements ensuring the protection of personal data.

Duration of processing personal data:

S.R.O. will respect the principles of proportionality and necessity in data processing.

Your personal data will be retained in S.R.O.’s database for 10 years from the termination of the collaboration with you.

Your rights regarding personal data are:

Your rights under GDPR provisions are as follows:

  • Right to access data,
  • Right to rectify or update data,
  • Right to delete data when certain conditions are met (e.g., if the data are no longer necessary for the above purposes),
  • Right to restrict processing,
  • Right to be informed of any rectification or deletion or restriction of processing,
  • Right to data portability,
  • Right to object,
  • Right to be notified in case of a data security breach,
  • Right to modify or withdraw your consent regarding the processing of personal data where you have expressed such consent;
  • Right to file a complaint with the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing,
  • Right to address the courts.

Who is the S.R.O. Data Protection Officer (DPO)?

For more information about your personal data, to exercise your rights, or to send any other questions regarding the information communicated through this Information Notice, you can submit a request to the Data Protection Officer:

via email at