08:00 – 14:00 “SIFI scholarship “for residents organised by OFTAFARMA ROMANIA a SIFI Italy Company
XIXth edition
The awards are:
First and second places: Participation at the ESCRS 2025 Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark
Third and fourth places:Participation at the 28thESCRS Winter Meeting 2025, Athens, Greece
Fifth and sixth places: Participation at the 23rd National Congress of RSO 2025, October 1-4, 2025 – Sinaia
Special price” Cosmin Stanila”: Visit to SIFI Factory in Catania, July 2025
Participants: residents training in ophthalmology in Romanian clinics.
Type of paper:
• case presentation, PowerPoint format; length of presentation – 8 minutes
• the usual structure of case presentation
• subject – no restrictions
Structure of case presentation:
1)Patient data:
–name (initials)
–age, gender, occupation, work and life conditions
–Reasons for going to hospital
–Case history
–Personal antecedents:
–Hereditary antecedents
2)General clinical exam
–BP, pulse etc.
–Ocular exam
–anterior pole
–posterior pole
3)Paraclinical investigations:
–general lab exams
–ocular: VF etc.
4)Positive diagnosis:
–main (reason for seeing the doctor)
–secondary – ocular
–possibly general (if linked to the main condition)
Positive diagnosis should be supported by arguments:
–paraclinical investigations
5)Differential diagnosis
–disease specific
–possibly according to symptoms and signs
It should be justified with pros and cons.
–without treatment
–with treatment
–Etiologic | general | medical
–pathogenic | local | surgical
–symptomatic |
–vital (if applicable) | immediate
–ocular function | late
Prognostic is set according to evolution and complications
–Recommendations for returning to work and / or improvement of life conditions
9)Case peculiarities (if applicable)
The presentation will be assessed according to: general structure, case originality, diagnosis difficulties, chosen therapeutic solution, case relevance.
The participants are asked to send their papers in PowerPoint format, both in romanian and english, to the email addresses concurs@sifi.ro and daniel.dumanescu@sifigroup.com, with the subject „Prezentare caz Bursa SIFI” until September 22nd, 2024. Please follow these instructions exactly – send messages only with the specified subject, to both email addresses!
The works will be presented in plenary on the occasion of the special session for residents “SIFI Scholarship” within the 22nd National Congress with international participation of the SRO, October 2 – 5, 2024.
Special session: Saturday, OCTOBER 5th, 2024, 08:00, Theatre Hall, International Conference Center „Casino”.
During the special session the Contest Jury will designate the winners.
The winners of places 1 – 6 will be designated by the Contest Commettee.
The winner of the special prise „Cosmin Stanila”will be choosed, by the SiFi Company, from the study cases that include the use of SiFi products in the treatment process.
All residents training in ophthalmology who sent their papers and who would be present at the special session ”SIFI Scholarship” would receive from SIFI an ophthalmology book in English.
The 19th edition of Bursa SIFI is open to all residents training in ophthalmology in Romanian clinics, except for the winners of previous editions.
We`re looking forward to receiving your papers.
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