Dear Madam/Sir,
This notice provides you, in accordance with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation EU 2016/679, “GDPR”), with details regarding the processing of personal data carried out by the Romanian Society of Ophthalmology (S.R.O.), headquartered in Bucharest, Address: Str. Virgiliu No. 17-19, 4th floor, apt. 13, Sector 1, Bucharest; Bank: BCR sector 1, Bucharest, IBAN: RO25 RNCB 0072 0496 8983 0001, having Fiscal Code: 9463840.
Only if you provide us with your personal data:
S.R.O., as a scientific and professional association, will process your personal data to carry out the following activities:
S.R.O. may process the following personal data:
Only when strictly necessary for the activities of S.R.O. can personal data of other persons be processed.
There may be situations when your data are not received directly from you but from public sources or other individuals or legal entities. Your data are processed securely, and you should be informed by the person who provided us with information about you. The data will be used by S.R.O. only for carrying out scientific and professional activities.
S.R.O. may transfer personal data outside the European Economic Area only if:
S.R.O. will respect the principles of proportionality and necessity in data processing.
Your personal data will be retained in S.R.O.’s database for 10 years from the termination of the collaboration with you.
Your rights under GDPR provisions are as follows:
For more information about your personal data, to exercise your rights, or to send any other questions regarding the information communicated through this Information Notice, you can submit a request to the Data Protection Officer:
via email at milophtha@oftalmologiaromana.ro
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