Starting April 1990, RSO gathers annually, in a national scientific event, with international participation, initially called “Consultation” (1990 – 1996) and then “Conference” (1997 – 1999).
In 1999, given the large participation of Romanian ophthalmologists in this annual national event, it becomes a National Congress, taking place every 2 years (1999, 2001, 2003, 2005), after which has beed decided its annual organization, reaching in October 2022, the 20th edition of the Congress. Except for 2014, when our National Congress was reunited with the event of SEEOS and took place in Bucharest, all other editions were held in Sinaia. The year 2020 did not benefit from the Congress due to pandemic reasons, and in the year 2021 it was held exclusively online.
Each of the first three national congresses had well-defined theme as – ”Pathology of the retina” in 1999, ”Combined surgical interventions in ophthalmology” in 2000, ”Classic and modern in ophthalmology” in 2001, after that it was decided not to limit the themes.. Starting 2003, until 2018, all the congresse had surgical sessions in live transmissions organized and supported by the Alcon company.
Over the time, we have been honored by the presence of outstanding ophthalmologists from Europe, the United States, Mexico, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, who visited us repeatedly and became honorary members of RSO, contributing to raising the scientific standard of the congresses.
The partner companies organized scientific symposia with important guests, which generated interactive discussions with Romanian ophthalmologists, the number of participants reaching 790 in the last year with physical format (2019), out of a total of active members of 920 ophthalmologists, at that time.
The Romanian Society of Ophthalmology tried to stimulate the interest of young residents, by organizing competitions dedicated to them, by offering scholarships and prizes.
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